For those of you reading my blog, do not be confuse by the title of this article. Today I interviewed Xolelwa Azania, not Paul Redeker. The topic of today's article is Paul Redeker though. Mr. Azania laughed as he talked about Mr. Redeker. Some people called Mr. Redeker the devil, while some believed he worked for the devil. The truth is though, Mr. Redeker was an intelligent man with perhaps no feelings whatsoever. Mr. Redeker always believed that humanity's flaw was having emotions. Mr. Redeker had interesting solutions to problems. For example, in the 1980s, Southern Africa was in a critical position. All of its nations were hostile, there was about to be a complete racial showdown. That is when the government went to Mr Redeker for aid. His plan was that everyone could not be saved from being killed and that some Afrikaners would be saved and some would be sacrificed. It was a brilliant plan that made Mr. Redeker one of the most hated men in South Africa. Mr. Redeker had a similar plan for the zombie outbreak. He thought that a group of people would be led out to a place that has natural environment defenses, call it a "safe zone". The other people who were not in the safe zone would be used as human bait for the zombies and would be put in special isolated zone. It was a plan on ly Paul Redeker could think of implementing.
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