Today I interviewed General D' Ambrosia, and our main topic was the zombies. When General D' Ambrosia heard that the nations decided to go on attack mode, he didn't like it one bit. There were about two-hundred million zombies out there. So if he sent men out, he would be sending them to die. All great armies need to fed, supplied, and led by a good leader. They need someone that encourages them. Unfortunately, none of that applied to zombies. During wars, there is sometimes danger of running out of men. Whenever the living dead fought and killed someone, that person would come back to life on there side. Basically, the zombies became stronger every time they killed. They seemed unbeatable. Also, the zombies didn't need food or water. If you locked a million away in an airtight room, years later they would come out just as strong. The zombies were out total war because they never rested or relaxed like humans. The zombies were killing machines who never stopped. Also, the zombies couldn't think therefore they could not surrender. How could you kill two-hundred million zombies that kept growing?